Children and Adolescent Literature-I

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives :This course will enable the students to -

Understand and define Children's literature and distinguish it specifically from the literature  for adults.Get acquainted with different genres of children’s as well as adolescent’s literature. Understand and analyze the texts based on children’s as well as adolescent’s literature.


Course Outcomes: 

CO 55- Discuss : Literature for children and/or adult readers?

CO 56 – Discuss Folklore, Fables and Fairy Tales for young children.

CO 57- Discusshow Children's literaturemay help in transmissin of values.

CO 58- Discuss & Analyze children’s literature through  representative work by Erich Kästner: ‘Pünktchen und Anton’

CO 59 – Discuss & Analyze fundamental features of children’s literature through the famous work ‘Emil und die Detektive’ by Erich Kästner .

CO 60: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Unit I: 
Unit 1: Children’s literature
  • Changing conceptions of children's literature: Literature for children and /or adult readers?
Unit II: 
Unit 2: Children’s literature
  • Folklore, fables and fairy tales for young children


Unit III: 
Unit 3: Children’s literature
  • Children's literature and transmission of values.


Unit IV: 
Unit 4: Children’s literature
  • Children Literature (Erich Kästner) Pünktchen und Anton


Unit V: 
Unit 5 : Children’s literature
  • Children Literature (Erich Kästner) Emil und die Detektive
Essential Readings: 

 Teaching material will be provided by the Department.



Selection to be made from the following texts:

  • Brüder Grimm. (2001). Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Ditzingen: Reclam
  • Kästner, E. (2001).   Emil und die Detektive. Hamburg: Dressler Verlag GmbH.
  • Kästner, E. Pünktchen und Anton
  • Kindergeschichten by Peter Bichsel
  • • Der Struwwelpeter, first published in 1845 as a kind of cautionary tale, is available on Project Gutenberg.
  • Bettelheim, Bruno. (1975). The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importanceof Fairy Tales. New York: Vintage.
  • Propp, Vladimir. (1988). Morphology of the Folk Tale. Texas: University of Texas Press.
  • Nodelman, Perry. (2008).  The  Hidden  Adult:  Defining  Children’s  Literature.
  • Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • von Arnim, Achim, Brentano, C. (2001). Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Ostfildern:Artemis & Winkler.
  • Busch, W. (2013). Max und Moritz. Kӧln: Schwager & Steinlein.
  • Richter, H. P. (1987). Damals war es Friedrich. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.



Academic Year: