Elementary German I

Paper Code: 
GER 101
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: This course enables students to:

  1. Understand and analyze elementary structures of grammar and “Wortschatz”. Become proficient to frame sentences in Present Tense with correct Verb Conjugation.
  2. Analyze different sentence structures : Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative, Cases (Nominative and Accusative)
  3. Apply the knowledge about Articles in their usage in different forms : Indefinite, Definite, Negative and Possessive Article.

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1- Create correct sentences in German: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative with Verbs of different characteristics in “Präsens” (Present Tense). Also know how to frame “Imperativ” for “Sie”.

CO2- Apply the knowledge about  usage of different types of Verbs e.g. „ Trennbare Verben “ as well as „Modal Verben“ and also independently create sentences in the  structure of „W-Frage, Aussage, Ja-Nein-Frage“.

CO3- Analyze the usage of Verbs which take Accusative (Akkusativ) objects, and in addition to this also know the use of different articles used for nouns belonging to “Maskulin”, “Feminin” and “Neutrum”. Know also the Use of Negative Article as well as Possessive Article accordingly.


Unit I: 
Unit 1

 Lektion – 1 (Themen Aktuell 1)

  • Aussagesatz.
  • Wort und Satfrage
  • Imperativ “Sie”
  • Konjugation Präsens
Unit II: 
Unit 2

Lektion – 2 (Themen Aktuell 1)

  • Artikel
  • Negation
  • Possessivartikel
Unit III: 
Unit 3

Lektion – 3 (Themen Aktuell 1)

  • Akkusativ
  • Verben mit Vokalwechsel
  • Modalverb “möchten”
Unit IV: 
Unit 4

Lektion – 4 (Themen Aktuell 1)

  •  Trennbare Verben
  • Modalverben “können”, “müssen”
Unit V: 
Unit 5

Lektion – 4 (Themen Aktuell 1)

  •  Trennbare Verben
  •  Modalverben“dürfen”,sollen, mögen
  • Uhrzeit
Essential Readings: 

Books Recommended:

  • Harmut Aufderstraße, Heiko Bock, Mechthild Gerdes, Jutta Müller & Helmut Müller, München, 2003, Max Hueber Verlag, ISBN 3-19-001690-9


Academic Year: