Course Objectives: This course enables students to acquire knowledge of different sentence structures: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative as well as different cases in German: Nominative, Accusative and Dative.
Understand thoroughly various nuances, fundamental rules and art of reading and writing in German. Create Compositions on general topics.
CO13- Analyze the usage of Modalverb „sollen” and frame “Imperativ”. Write Composition & Do Translation.
CO14- Construct sentences in “Perfekt” and analyze the usage of “Personalpronomen im Akkusativ”. Write Composition & Do Translation.
CO15- Analyze and apply different usage of ‘Wechselpräpositionen’. Write Composition & Do Translation.
CO16- Analyze and apply different usage of “Dativ“ case and Degree of Adjective and Adverb in “Komparativ und “Superlativ”. Write Composition & Do Translation.
CO17- Analyze and apply the usage of “Genetiv”. Write Composition & Do Translation.
CO 18 - Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.
Grammatik: Possessivartikel, Modalverb “sollen”, Imperativ 2. Person Singular und Plural, Perfekt: Struktur und Beispiele
Readings from the text book: Lektion – 6 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 71 to 82,
Expression: A Paragraph on “Description of your dream house”
Grammatik: Perfekt: Alle Verben, Richtungsangaben, Personalpronomen im Akkusativ
Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 7 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 83 to 94
Expression:A Paragraph on “Birthday Party”
Grammatik: Wechselpräpositionen
Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 8 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 95 to 106
Composition of letter on the theme: Letter to a friend inviting him to visit your city explaining main attractions of the city.
Grammatik : Dativ, Komparativ und Superlativ (prädikativ), Demonstrativpronomen im Akkusativ
Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 9 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 107 to 118
Composition on : An unforgettable day in my life
Grammatik: Genetiv
Readings from the text book : Lektion – 10 (Themen Aktuell 1)- Pages 119 to 130
Composition on: Visit to a restaurant / descriptive or dialogue form
Books Recommended: Prescribed Textbook : Themen aktuell 1 by Harmut Aufderstraße,Heiko Bock, Mechthil des, Jutta Müller & Helmut Müller
E- Resources - (Modalverben) ( Partizip II) (Wechselpräpositionen)