Elementary German II

Paper Code: 
C GER 201
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Elementary German II


  1. Know the elementary structures of grammar and “Wortschatz” and make sentences in Present Tense.
  2. Acquire knowledge of different sentence structures: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative as well as different cases in German: Nominative, Accusative and Dative and then apply this knowledge to independently create sentences and different expressions.
  3. Know how to create Possessive Articles for Persons of different Number & Gender and also  how to create sentences in “Imperativ” and “Perfekt”.
  4. Acquire the knowledge for usage of Prepositions in German in different cases: Accusative and Dative.

Reading and Writing

  1. Understand thoroughly various nuances, fundamental rules and art of reading and writing in German in order to be able to analyze the text and respond the questions related to it.
  2. Create Compositions on general topics.


Unit I: 
Unit 1

·         Lektion – 6 (Themen Aktuell 1)

·         Grammatik: Possessivartikel, Modalverb “sollen”, Imperativ 2. Person Singular und Plural, Perfekt: Struktur und Beispiele

·         Readings from the text book: Lektion – 6 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 71 to 82,

Expression: A Paragraph on “Description of your dream house”

Unit II: 
Unit 2

·         Lektion – 7 (Themen Aktuell 1)

·         Grammatik: Perfekt: Alle Verben, Richtungsangaben, Personalpronomen im Akkusativ

·         Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 7 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 83 to 94,

Expression:A Paragraph on Birthday Party”

Unit III: 
Unit 3

·         Lektion – 8 (Themen Aktuell 1)

·         Grammatik: Wechselpräpositionen

·         Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 8 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 95 to 106

composition of letter on the theme: Letter to a friend inviting him to visit your city explaining main attractions of the city.

Unit IV: 
Unit 4

·         Lektion – 9 (Themen Aktuell 1)

·         Grammatik : Dativ, Komparativ und Superlativ (prädikativ), Demonstrativpronomen im Akkusativ

·         Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 9 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 107 to 118

composition on one of the themes: An unforgettable day in my life

Unit V: 
Unit 5

·         Lektion – 10 (Themen Aktuell 1)

·         Grammatik: Genetiv

·         Readings from the text book: : Lektion – 10 (Themen Aktuell 1): Pages 119 to 130

A composition on: Visit to a restaurant / descriptive or dialogue form

Essential Readings: 

Themen aktuell 1 by Harmut Aufderstraße,Heiko Bock, Mechthild Gerdes, Jutta Müller & Helmut Müller



Academic Year: