German Comprehension & Paragraph Writing

Paper Code: 
GER 132
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 

Readings from the text book: Pages 5 to 31 “Mein Deutschunterricht”

Readings from the text book: Pages 33 to 59, Expression: A Paragraph on presenting yourself (sich vorstellen) or “über mich”

Unit II: 

Readings from the text book: Pages 61 to 73  & composition on the theme: Mein Land

Readings from the text book: Pages 75 to 101 + composition of a paragraph on the theme: Meine Familie

Unit III: 

 Readings from the text book: Pages 103to 116 & composition on:  Portrait of a Friend

Readings from the text book: Pages117 to 143, Paragraph on “Description of your dream house”

Unit IV: 

Readings from the text book: Pages 145to 157, Expression:A Paragraph on “Birthday Party”

Readings from the text book: Pages 159 to 185 & composition of letter on the theme: Letter to a friend inviting him to visit your city explaining main attractions of the city

Unit V: 

 Readings from the text book: Pages 185 to 199+ composition on one of the themes: An unforgettable day in my life

 Readings from the text book: Pages 201 to 214 & composition on:  Visit to a restaurant / descriptive or dialogü form

Essential Readings: 

Prescribed Textbook :

Lernziel Deutsch –1 .  Max  Hüber  Verlag

Books for essential Reading:

  1. Em Neu Bruckenkurs –  Published by  Hüber  Verlag
  2. Themen Aktuell 1
  3. Unser  zweites  Deutschbuch  by  Rajeev  Devsthali
  4. Deutsch für Anfänger – CD-ROM  made by Hüber
  5. Deutsche Sprachlehre  für  Ausländer  -  Dora  Schulz  &  Heinz  Griesbach
  6. Deutsch als Fremdsprache IA Grundkurs by Korbinian Braun, Lorenz Nieder und Friedrich Schmoee
  1. Pons  German – Travelers Guide
  2. Pons  Starting  German / Anfänger Deutsch
  3. Cassels  Language  Guides : German – A  Handbook  of  German Grammar,  Current  usage  and word power
  4. Teste  dein Deutsch – Stufe  I &  II
  5. Langenscheidt’ s  or Collin’ s  German – English / English – German  Dictionary
  6. Deutsch  als  Fremdsprache – I   A & B
  7. Mein  Erstes Deutschbuch  by  Maharashtra State Bureau of  Textbook  Production  and  Curriculum  Research
  8. Unser  zweites  Deutschbuch  by  Rajeev  Devsthali
  9.  Eindrücke – Einblicke :  Lehr  und  Arbeitbuch
  10. Deutsche Sprachlehre  für  Ausländer  -  Dora  Schulz  &  Heinz  Griesbach