Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to -
Course Outcomes (COs):
CO19- The students will be thorough with „Dativ“ case: Verbs, Prepositions taking „Dativ“. Know the use of degree of Adjective and Adverb in “Komparativ und “Superlativ (prädikativ)” and “Demonstrativpronomen im Akkusativ”.
CO20- The students will acquire proficiency in the usage of “Adjektivendungen”: Artikel + Adjektiv + Nomen, Artikelwörter: ,dieser”, ,,mancher”, ,,jeder/alle”and suitable expression for day and date in German.Knowthe purpose and use of “Genetiv”.
CO21- Understand the use of “Nebensatz“ and Past form of „Modalverben“ and accordingly create sentences based on them.
Lektion – 9 (Themen Aktuell 1)
Lektion – 10 (Themen Aktuell 1)
Lektion-11 (Themen Aktuell 1)
Lektion – 12 (Themen Aktuell 1)
Lektion – 12 (Themen Aktuell 1)