This course will enable the students to -
Course Outcomes (COs):
CO 31- Students are able to analyze German Texts enabling them to comprehend them thoroughly and answer the questions based on them.
CO 32- Enable students to create composition on “Familie”, “Was will ich werden ? (Beruf)” , “ Warum lerne ich Deutsch?”, “ Wozu soll man Fremdsprachen lernen?/Wichtigkeit der Mehrsprachigkeit ” and “ Manipulieren die Massenmedien die jungen Menschen?”.
CO 33- Enable students to explore the “Wortschatz” (exclusive German vocabulary) to be appropriately used in different contexts. Students learn the techniques of translation from English to German and vice versa, particularly techniques based on the grammatical components and suitable “Wortschatz” for application in translation work.
Themen Aktuell 2: Lektion – 13
Themen Aktuell 2, Lektion – 1
Themen Aktuell 2, Lektion – 2
Themen Aktuell 2, Lektion – 3
Themen Aktuell 2, Lektion – 3